Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of FAQs to keep everyone up-to-date on the facts of our project and programming. Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions. We thank you for your continued support on this important project for our community.
FAQs Updated Feb., 2025
1. Where is the Square One Community space located?
The Square One Community space is situated at 138 Fairford St. W. We operate as a tenant within William Milne Place, owned by Moose Jaw Non-Profit Housing Corp. Our community center occupies a 1400 sq ft commercial space, positioned on the southwest window-front portion of the main floor.
2. What was the purpose of the Point in Time Count (PiT)?
The PiT Count serves as a crucial initiative, providing valuable data that will empower Square One Community to make informed decisions regarding next steps. This data is essential for applying for sustainable funding and fostering collaboration with community agencies to enhance our ability to effectively serve those who are housing insecure.
3. What are Square One Community's goals and mission?
Square One Community is dedicated to our updated mission (August 2023) of “helping adults who are housing insecure by building, coordinating, and strengthening the continuum of support in collaboration with the community at large.”
4. What are the different levels of Government doing about the issue of homelessness?
Square One Community is actively involved in communications with local, provincial, and federal authorities to garner funding and support for our mission. Recognizing that the need for supportive housing is a nationwide concern, we encourage community members to engage with their local City Council, MLA’s,
and MP, advocating for funding options for supportive housing in the City of Moose Jaw.
5. Why is the new emergency shelter located at the Sasktel Building and operated by John Howard Society and not at 138 Fairford W. under the operations of Square One Community?
In November 2023, the Ministry of Social Services approached Square One Community with a proposal to establish a 10-bed emergency shelter. The intricacies of logistics were thoroughly discussed, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. Recognizing the need for a swift response, it became apparent that partnering with an experienced agency was essential to meet the timeline effectively. John Howard Society, with its established provincial infrastructure and developed relationship with those who are unhoused, agreed to oversee the shelter’s operations.
While 138 Fairford St. W. was initially considered as a potential location, a comprehensive assessment revealed that $28,000.00 worth of renovations would be required to transform the space into a safe shelter. This financial consideration and the urgency of the situation led to a practical decision-making
process. John Howard Society proposed the use of the Sasktel Building, emphasizing its readiness and suitability for the purpose. The location was practically walk-in ready, minimizing the need for extensive renovations.
By mid-January, with the lease finalized, John Howard Society successfully opened Willow Lodge, a 15-bed emergency shelter. Square One Community played a pivotal role in supporting this initiative in principle and concept, aligning with its mission to address housing insecurity. To underscore this commitment, Square One Community provided tangible support by purchasing a new washer and dryer for the facility, and passing along the knotted fleece blankets from Sacred Heart/Vanier Students, and the generous donations of blankets from Providence Place.
Square One Community views the establishment of Willow Lodge as a monumental success for the city, marking a significant step forward in the community's collaborative efforts to bridge gaps in services for those experiencing housing insecurity. This strategic decision-making process ensures that resources are utilized efficiently, addressing immediate needs while maintaining a long-term vision for sustainable and impactful support.
6. Why is the emergency shelter located downtown?
Quite simply, the emergency shelter is located downtown because the majority of services for those who are housing insecure are located downtown, and they access those services by foot or wheelchair.
7. What’s next for Square One Community?
The next phase involves the creation of a comprehensive range of services within a Supportive Housing Model designed to address the housing insecurity prevalent in our community. This will be achieved through collaborative efforts and partnerships with outstanding agencies in the community. The efficacy of the
Supportive Housing Model has been substantiated by evidence obtained from the recent Point-in-Time (PiT) Count, as well as by successful implementations in communities like Medicine Hat and Estevan.
8. What is a Supportive Housing Model?
Supportive housing offers a spectrum of on-site, non-clinical supports, including life skills training and access to healthcare, mental health, or substance-use services. On-site staff are dedicated to providing assistance.
This model is widely recognized for its effectiveness in addressing the complex challenges faced by individuals and families grappling with homelessness, coupled with very low incomes and/or serious, persistent issues such as substance use disorders, mental health concerns, chronic illnesses, diverse
disabilities (e.g., intellectual disabilities, mobility or sensory impairments), or other significant barriers to stable housing.
9. Re: "I thought you were fundraising for an emergency shelter for women..."
Our response to the needs of our community have evolved since forming in 2021.
We began by advocating for an emergency shelter for women as it was an identified gap in our community at that time.
We advocated strongly for this and in Jan. 2024 that gap was filled with the 15 bed; 12 hour a day; co-ed emergency shelter at Willow Lodge operated by John Howard society and funded by the Provincial Government. We work closely in supporting Willow Lodge.
Once that gap was filled we moved to the next identified gap: supportive housing ( as highlighted in the Point in Time Count 2023 and 2024), with the goal of housing folks who have been staying at the shelter long term and are open/ready for the next step: supportive housing. We hired our GM, Maxton Eckstein in June 2024 and Square One Community Supportive Housing became operational December 1st. We are currently hiring 4 more staff to grow our housing support capacity
10. Is Square One an umbrella for housing insecurity organizations?
No. We are Collaborators.
Square One is built on the core values of :"Communicate, Coordinate, Collaborate, Connect, Contribute; in a community of caring."
While we work as an independent agency, in partnership with Moose Jaw Non-Profit Housing Corp., we have called together a Social Housing Advisory Committee of which Max is Chair, bringing all front-line agencies together to communicate and work collectively with all agencies for those living with housing insecurity. We also are the communications lead for the city of Moose Jaw Meal Offerings and extreme weather strategy, working with all agencies to create a map of meal offerings and warming spaces. Collaboration is key in the success of creating a continuum of housing support services for those experiencing housing insecurity. Our community has a rich resource of agencies working together to serve our community members who are in need.
11. How is Moose Jaw Housing involved with Square One Community?
Moose Jaw Non-Profit Housing Corporation (MJNPHC) is the owner of William Milne Place.
Square One Community Inc. leases office space from MJNPHC and has signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide supportive housing services to the residents of William Milne Place.
Moose Jaw Housing Authority (MJHA) serves as the property manager for all MJNPHC properties, including William Milne Place.
12. How can you contribute?
Square One Community remains committed to fundraising endeavors to sustain our efforts in aiding those facing housing insecurity in our community. We welcome donations by cheque, e-transfer and through CanadaHelps. Upcoming fundraising initiatives: the Walk for Warmth on March 13, 2025; Spring Brunch April 26 and more!. Additionally, ongoing fundraising efforts are underway through The Stronger Together Campaign. Your support is crucial in advancing our mission.
13. Why do you need my email address when I make a donation?
When you supply your email address we are able to email your tax receipt to you instead of paying for a
stamp. That makes efficient use of your donation. It DOES NOT put you on a mailing list.
Working Together
Square One Community Inc.
Board Chair
Della Ferguson
"We have worked passionately for the past two years to
advocate for additional supports for those who are
unhoused in our community. It is only through the
connections, collaborations, and communications within our community, the partnership with The Moose Jaw Non-Profit Housing Corporation, and the support of the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation that we are able to make this milestone step forward.," Square One Community Board Chair, Della Ferguson said. "We are committed to providing wrap-around support through programming to meet the greater needs of our community."
October 2022
The Moose Jaw Non-Profit Housing Corporation Board Chair
Brenda Walper-Bossence, K.C
“The Moose Jaw Non-Profit Housing Corporation is proud to partner with Square One at William Milne Place. This means we are now able to provide housing options to those who are houseless. Providing transitional housing for those who are at the beginning of the housing continuum with an after-hours drop-in centre, emergency women’s shelter and supportive housing all under one roof." The Moose Jaw Non-Profit Housing Corporation Board Chair, Brenda Walper-Bossence, K.C said. "Success will require continued support from all levels of government, and our local community. We are calling on
all donors and future donors who have a heart for those that require this service to give to this new venture.”
October 2022