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Meet our Special Projects Coordinator
Maxton Eckstein

Square One Community Inc. is very pleased to announce the hiring of a Special Projects Coordinator, Maxton Eckstein, to start with our non profit, charitable organization on June 10, 2024.  Max will assist Square One Community Inc. to advance our mission to help adults who are housing in-secure by building, coordinating, and strengthening the continuum of supports.  This includes providing leadership for future PiT (Point in Time) counts, creation of a service (asset) map including community agencies who serve vulnerable populations, and coordinating a Community Housing Advisory group.  Max will work in collaboration with community partners to advocate for services and supports for housing insecure individuals and promote awareness of issues related to housing insecurity.

Max Eckstein writes:

“Hello! My name is Maxton Eckstein, and I am so thrilled to be stepping into the position of Special Projects Coordinator with Square One Community in Moose Jaw. Originally from Ontario, my wife, children and I have called Moose Jaw home for the past 7 years, after we fell in love with the welcoming and caring culture emulated by the city’s residents. As this tightly knit community has been growing, so have the needs of our most vulnerable and houseless citizens. That is why I am so excited to be joining the passionate team at Square One Community, who have been working tirelessly along with other partner organizations, to bring a brighter future to those suffering from housing insecurity. Coming from an educational background in Human Justice and Non-Profit Sector Leadership Innovation, and with close to 10 years’ experience in the human service field, I hope to help foster a culture of contagious hope and a spirt of collaboration as we partner together to provide supports to our most vulnerable citizens. I am looking forward to working with you all!”

Square One Community is very grateful and proud to be a part of a strong, diverse community and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with community members and organizations to provide supports to our most vulnerable.

Maxton can be contacted at


or by emailing:


Public Meeting 2024.JPG

City of Moose Jaw
Public Meeting
on Community Wellness and Safety
July 29, 2024

Max Eckstein Presentation

Mary Lee Booth Presentation

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“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

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