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About Us

Square One Community Inc., was born in 2021 from the COVID Community Response Committee. Housing instability was identified in a city-wide survey of agencies as being a priority, and with that in mind, local agencies were invited to meet. Anecdotal evidence showed the need for housing, coupled with wrap-around services to support the individual's new beginnings as they started over at "square one" in their journey. 

Welcome to Square One. 

Image by Ian Schneider
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Our Vision 

Everyone has access to safe, affordable, and secure housing with their basic needs met.

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Our Mission 

To help adults who are housing in-secure by building, coordinating, and strengthening the continuum of


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Core Values 

Communicate, Coordinate, Collaborate, Connect, Contribute; in a community of caring.

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“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

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