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What a fantastic night!

The Food: Delicious!

The People: Amazing!

The Service: Outstanding!

The funds raised that night: $3584.34!!

Thank you thank you to Alex Carleton and the Crushed Can Team!

​Congrats to our Winter Warm-Up Raffle Winner:

Rosemarie Myers!

Congrats and THANK YOU to our 50/50 Raffle Winner:

Tracey Gossard who donated the $150.00 jackpot back to Square One Community!

Thank you to RBC's TaraLynn Parker, Kerry Orth and Jodi Rasmussen-Witte for your work selling 50/50's at the event and raising funds for Square One Community by doing so!

Thank you for the Warm Hands Warm Hearts donations...thanks to you 37 pairs of "Little Hotties" Handwarmers will be donated to Willow Lodge for their guests.


Square One Community WINTER WARM-UP RAFFLE .jpg
WALK FoR WARMTH (Logo) (1920 × 1080 px) (1920 × 880 px) (Logo).png

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“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

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